The Workers’ Compensation Act provides benefits for workers who are injured on the job. Benefits are paid for lost wages, related medical bills, permanent injury, job retraining, and death related to a work injury or disease.
If you are employed by an employer who has three or more full-time or part-time employees, you are most likely covered. Even if your employer has fewer than three employees, you are still covered if there is a payroll of $500 or more in a calendar year quarter.
Your employer is directly liable for your work injury. To protect themselves from that liability, employers often purchase workers’ compensation insurance. Many large employers often forego insurance and instead “self-insure.” Always remember that the workers’ compensation insurer insures your employer, not you, and is going to act only in the employer’s interest.
Minor injuries are normally conceded by the employer or its insurer. However, employers frequently contest more serious injuries. If you have an injury that may permanently affect your ability to perform your job, you should contact us immediately. Even if the insurer is paying benefits, it may be critical that you have legal counsel in order for you to protect your rights and future claims. If you have any concerns about your working future, please give us a call.
Regardless of the outcome, you pay nothing out of pocket. In addition, we normally advance to the client the expenses associated with prosecuting the claim. For a serious case, the cost of prosecution can total several hundred dollars or more. Should we recover additional benefits for you beyond those conceded by your employer, we receive from the insurer (upon approval by the state of Wisconsin) 20 percent of the benefits owed you.
The first thing you should do is immediately report your injury to your employer. You should also seek medical attention as soon as possible. All compensation and medical benefits depend upon your doctor’s opinion, so you must tell your doctor how the injury happened and make sure that he properly documents the injury.